Arhiv novic za šolsko leto 2019/20
Collaboration with ASPnet for TAG and Global SEL Lesson
The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) Rethinking Youth Team would greatly appreciate a collaboration with the Associated Schools Network to engage a critical mass of worldwide pre-service teachers in TTIs and young in-service teachers to participate in 2 MGIEP activities.
ASPnet Newsletter - CONNECT (Issue 11)
ASPnet Newsletter “The Future of Education” - Issue 11, August 17, 2020
ASPnet Newsletter - CONNECT (Issue 10)
ASPnet Newsletter “Digital Divide and Inequality” - Issue 10, 6 July 2020
Vprašalnik o vplivu pandemije COVID-19
New survey for teachers in secondary schools on student voice.
Dan odprtih vrat Morske biološke postaje (DOV)
Vabilo na dan odprtih vrat, v petek 25. septembra 2020.
International Arts Education Week, 25-31 May 2020
Message from Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of International Arts Education Week, 25 – 31 May 2020
ASPnet Newsletter - CONNECT (Issue 7)
ASPnet Newsletter "Successful Global Webinar"- Issue 7, 18 May 2020
Global Webinar 'COVID-19: Reflections by the ASP community'
We are organising an ASPnet webinar that will take place on May 12 and will address questions on lessons learnt on the remote learning, learning out of school, how to reimagine going back to school and what the future of education could look like from your perspectives.
ASPnet Newsletter - CONNECT (Issue 5)
ASPnet Newsletter "Back to school?" - Issue 5, 4 May 2020
ASPnet Newsletter - CONNECT (Issue 4)
ASPnet Newsletter “We are Global Citizens” - Issue 4, 23 April 2020
School Barometer - COVID-19 and Current Challenges in Schools and Education
We would like to invite our partners, alumni & friends working in the primary and secondary school sector to promote and join the global survey “School Barometer - COVID-19 and Current Challenges in Schools and Education”.
Dan odprtih vrat Morske biološke postaje (NIB) v letu 2020
Zaradi trenutne situacije v zvezi z epidemijo novega koronavirusa, letošnji Dan odprtih vrat Morske biološke postaje (NIB) ni izvedljiv v mesecu juniju. Vendar pa v letošnjem letu vsekakor bo.
ASPnet Newsletter - CONNECT (Issue 1)
ASPnet Newsletter “Solidarity for Resilience” - Issue 1, March 22, 2020
Dejavnosti UNESCO v zvezi z virusom COVID 19
Število otrok, mladostnikov in odraslih, ki zaradi virusa COVID-19 ne obiskujejo šol ali univerz, narašča. Vlade po vsem svetu so zaprle izobraževalne ustanove, da bi poskušale omejiti globalno pandemijo.
Covid-19 - What do members of UNESCO Associated Schools say?
UNESCO has announced 290 million students out of school who have to stay at home, as their schools are closed due to COVID-19. Given this major health crisis, which now affects the entire planet, we think of you, dear members of the UNESCO Associated schools.
Teden likovne umetnosti (25. - 31. maj 2020)
V organizaciji UNESCO posvetijo vsako leto v mesecu maju teden namenjen ozaveščanju pomena Likovne umetnosti v šolskem prostoru. V letošnjem letu je izbran teden med 25. in 31. majem.
Survey: 21st Century Skills: Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century
A straightforward survey seeking to gain a broad/global overview of how schools are using Technology to enhance learning and teaching.
Two new Handbooks for primary and secondary school teachers
We have the pleasure to inform you that UNESCO has just published two Handbooks for primary and secondary school teachers on Empowering Students for Just Societies. Many thanks to those of you who had coordinated the participation of ASPnet schools in the piloting of the handbooks in your country.
Anketa o nasilju v šolah
UNESCO is reaching out to teachers across the globe, as part of a global study on the role of teachers in ensuring safe and non-violent learning environments.
Vabilo za sodelovanje v projektu SRČNA PISMA ZA MALE BORCE ob svetovnem dnevu redkih bolezni
V Društvu za otroke z redkimi boleznimi Viljem Julijan vas prijazno vabimo, da ob priložnosti SVETOVNEGA DNEVA REDKIH BOLEZNI, ki bo 29. februarja, skupaj z nami naredite nekaj posebnega, dobrega in zelo srčnega za otroke z redkmi boleznimi in njihove družine.
Futures of Education
We are pleased to invite you and ASPnet members in your country to contribute to UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative. We want to suggest a range of ways to bring you into the global discussion and debate in 2020 on how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet.
30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
The year 2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). However, despite being the most ratified international text in the world today, many children's rights are still far from being respected.
Strokovno srečanje ASPnet - Celje, september 2019
Vabim vas na naše vsakoletno strokovno srečanje koordinatorjev in koordinatoric ter ravnateljev in ravnateljic UNESCO pridruženih šol (ASPnet), ki bo letos v 15. in 16. novembra 2019 v Celju.